Listed entities are required to adhere to the highest quantum of compliance requirements in corporate reporting. While the reasons for a higher compliance burden are obvious due to direct exposure to public money, compliances for the period 2020-21 were unlike any period before. The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact across management and administration of listed companies forced the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to grant numerous relaxations in compliances specially in the first two quarters of 2020-21. SEBI also announced disclosure-oriented amendments and clarifications with regard to numerous subjects of reporting in the course of this period.
Overall, it was by far the most challenging and peculiar reporting period where most of the challenges that arose in reporting and closing were purely unprecedented. We bring you a quarter-wise summary of key SEBI amendments that were announced in 2020-21. We hope that this article serves as a support in the closure of financial reporting closure and also provides an overview of amendments in compliances.
We have presented the amendments, clarifications and relaxations in quarterly chronology for your overview.
We are constantly working on sharing relevant alerts & publications to keep you informed on the latest developments.